Pray for the 31

3rd Edition - Day 9: Maratha (Mahratta) in India

Various Artists Season 2 Episode 9

View the JoshuaProject profile here.  To view a PDF of the daily prayer booklet, click here.


  • Population: 30,564,000
  • Religion: Hinduism
  • Language: Marathi
  • Christians: Less than 0.1% * 
  • Movement: None Reported 
  • Written Scripture: Complete Bible 
  • Oral Scripture: Complete Bible 
  • Workers Needed: 611 **

*Per census reports, etc. **for 1 worker per 50,000

Specific Prayers:

  • Lord, reveal Your identity in history, how you set peoples apart to show Your Glory. Lord bless the Maratha’s history of being set apart. May their families find their destiny as warriors in Your Kingdom and be drawn to make Your name great.
  • Lord, may Your Holy Scriptures be read and spoken in Marathi in the homes of the Marathas. Lord, capture their hearts and help them to want to study and share the Scriptures with others. Help them respect Jesus who did not cling to being God, but came down to serve mankind even to sacrifice His life on a cross.
  • Lord, send families to the Maratha communities that are pure of heart and walk in Your ways with great wisdom and power. Lord, bring healing to their families. Show Your power to restore what has been lost and the power to be born again to be set apart to live a life for You.

God’s blessing upon the Maratha (Mahratta): My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to My Name, because My Name will be great among the nations," says the LORD Almighty. (Mal. 1: 11)

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