Pray for the 31
This podcast is based on "Pray for the Thirty-One Largest Frontier People Groups", a 31-day prayer guide available at go31.org or joshuaproject.net/frontier. The episodes are labeled with which edition of the prayer guide it is based on. This prayer guide gives you opportunity to pray for almost a billion people living within the thirty-one largest frontier people groups that have little chance of ever meeting a Jesus follower. Our desire is to join together thousands of believers igniting global prayer to bring God’s blessing through Gospel movements to these 31 largest groups of over ten million people. We hope in raising prayer and increasing awareness of these overlooked peoples, many hearts will be stirred to feel God’s love for them, crying out with a fervency for the right laborers to follow God’s Spirit into their towns, cities and regions to bring to them a blessing that can only come from the one true God. “Through you all the families on earth will be blessed." - Genesis 22:18
Pray for the 31
3rd Edition - Day 17: Ansari in India
Various Artists
Season 2
Episode 17
View the JoshuaProject profile here. To view a PDF of the daily prayer booklet, click here.
- Population: 12,342,000
- Religion: Islam
- Language: Urdu
- Christians: Less than 0.1% *
- Movement: None Reported
- Written Scripture: Complete Bible
- Oral Scripture: Complete Bible
- Workers Needed: 247 **
*Per census reports, etc. **for 1 worker per 50,000
Specific Prayers:
- Lord, send Indian followers of Jesus to their Ansari neighbors to share with them Your love and Good News. Give them eyes to see how to bless Ansari families, bringing them healing, forgiveness, and well-being.
- Lord, raise up Ansari leaders to study Your Word so they would understand the destiny You have for them and turn to follow Jesus. May the Ansari adults become literate and their children have access to good schools to lift them out of poverty.
- Lord bless Your Holy Scriptures in Indian Urdu. Help Ansari believers to be effective and fruitful in sowing Your Word among their families and communities. May Your Spirit give power to a movement that will spread God’s blessing of salvation and grace from household to household.
The encouragement and hope from Jesus to the Ansari: "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die.” (Jn. 11:25-26)