Pray for the 31

3rd Edition - Day 21: Rajput in India

Various Artists Season 2 Episode 21

View the Joshua Project profile here.  To view a PDF of the daily prayer booklet, click here.


  • Population: 26,826,000
  • Religion: Hinduism
  • Language: Hindi
  • Christians: Less than 0.1% * 
  • Movement: None Reported 
  • Written Scripture: Complete Bible 
  • Oral Scripture: Complete Bible
  • Workers Needed: 537 **

*Per census reports, etc. **for 1 worker per 50,000

Specific Prayers:

  • Lord, send families who follow Jesus among them. Show them what it means to follow Jesus, worshiping the King of Kings, freed from the power of sin and receiving the honor that comes from being a child of the living God. Lord, give the Rajput their inheritance to be Your children. 
  • Lord, bless Your Holy Scriptures to be spoken in Rajput homes by guests in their home or through the many apps and resources that have been made in Hindi. May they hear Your Words and know this truth is not just for the lower castes, but for them as well. 
  • Lord raise up whole communities coming to Jesus through disciple-making movements, where the families are marked by their willingness to share Your Holy Scriptures widely and work with families who seek Your righteousness and Your kingdom first. 

Pray the blessing of fellowship with Jesus for our Rajput brothers and sisters: Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me. (Rev. 3:20) 

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