Pray for the 31

3rd Edition - Day 27: Sylhet Muslim in Bangladesh

Various Artists Season 2 Episode 27

View the Joshua Project profile here.  To view a PDF of the daily prayer booklet, click here.


  • Population: 12,350,000
  • Religion: Islam
  • Language: Sylhet
  • Christians: Less than 0.1% * 
  • Movement: None Reported 
  • Written Scripture: New Testament
  • Oral Scripture: New Testament
  • Workers Needed: 247 **

*Per census reports, etc. **for 1 worker per 50,000

Specific Prayers:

  • Lord, speak to the Sylheti in dreams and visions, pointing them in the direction of believers, scriptures, and other resources to encourage them in their journey toward Messiah. Lord, help them see Jesus working among them and leading them to worship in “Spirit and Truth”. (Jn. 4:24)
  • Lord, encourage Sylheti believers dispersed throughout the nations to communicate stories about the kingdom of God and His love for their families in Bangladesh. Lord, help them recognize their spiritual need and come to Jesus for the riches of his forgiveness.
  • Lord, encourage believing families with increasing faith in Jesus as they study Your Word, hear Your voice and obey. Lord, raise up your anointed spiritual leaders for among the Sylheti people, blessing their service with multiplying disciple-making movements, developing and spreading among and beyond all the Sylheti people.
    Lord, bring Sylhet-believers, both near and far, to share the Gospel of Jesus with Sylhet Muslims.

God’s blessing for the Sylheti: A time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. (John 4:23)

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