Pray for the 31

3rd Edition - Day 30: Moroccan Arabs in Morocco

Various Artists Season 2 Episode 30

View the Joshua Project profile here.  To view a PDF of the daily prayer booklet, click here.


  • Population: 24,221,000
  • Religion: Islam
  • Language: Arabic (Moroccan dialect spoken)
  • Christians: Less than 0.1% * 
  • Movement: None Reported 
  • Written Scripture: New Testament
  • Oral Scripture: New Testament
  • Workers Needed: 484 **

*Per census reports, etc. **for 1 worker per 50,000

Specific Prayers:

  • Lord, thank you for putting Your love for the Moroccan Arabs into many families who have come to Morocco over the centuries to tell them about Jesus. Help all those seeds of faith to grow. Lead Moroccan families who want to know You and hear Your voice to seek that in Your Word and in Jesus. 
  • Lord, give the leaders of Morocco and the royal family wisdom to govern the country well. Help them to seek You for guidance and to allow freedom of faith for their people. Show them that those who love Jesus are a great blessing to the country, and their families and communities. 
  • Lord, give Moroccan families who have met Jesus boldness to share Your Word and the love of Jesus with their friends and families. Help Jesus families bring your blessing to their whole community and multiply strong local Jesus fellowships among the Moroccan Arabs and the Berbers. 

Pray blessing on Moroccan Arabs to hear God’s call: I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with lovingkindness. (Jer. 31:3) 

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