Pray for the 31

3rd Edition - Day 23: Dhobi in India

Various Artists Season 2 Episode 23

View the JoshuaProject profile here.  To view a PDF of the daily prayer booklet, click here.


  • Population: 12,268,000
  • Religion: Hinduism
  • Language: Hindi
  • Christians: Less than 0.1% * 
  • Movement: None Reported 
  • Written Scripture: Complete Bible 
  • Oral Scripture: Complete Bible 
  • Workers Needed: 245 **

*Per census reports, etc. **for 1 worker per 50,000

Specific Prayers:

  • Lord, give miracles, signs, wonders and healing in Jesus. Bless whole families and communities of Dhobi. May they see Jesus followers reach out to them and love them.
  • Lord, wash away the sin in the lives of the Dhobi leaders. Lord, draw the Dhobi leaders to Your Purity and Your Holiness. Send them ways to listen to Your Scriptures and share them with their families.
  • Lord, send Your overflowing love and grace to the Dhobi communities. Open doors for the Dhobi to learn to read Your Holy Scriptures and give them job opportunities allowing them to stay within their communities.

The Dhobi Blessing as Children of God: God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them, (and) God blessed them. (Gen. 1:26-27) To the Dhobi Jesus proclaims: I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. (Jer. 31:3)

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